GG Week 2022
The 17th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs will take place in Leipzig, Germany, from August 15 to August 19, 2022. This research workshop is intended to bring together researchers working on geometric graphs and related topics. The venue is located in the city center of Leipzig at the “Campusstandort Leipzig”, a facility of the FernUniversität in Hagen.
We had a great time in Leipzig. Thanks to all participants.

Link to coauthor:
Link to booklet
Registration & Fees
Registration is closed since April.
In case you want to attend, please contact one of the organizers and we will see whether participation is still possible.
There will be no registration fee but participants are expected to cover their travel and accommodation costs. We secured some funding which enables us to provide a simple lunch from Tuesday to Friday.
Accommodation & Travel
Leipzig is easily reached by train or plane (airport Leipzig/Halle). The workshop is located in the city center of Leipzig at about 10 minutes walking distance from the main station (HBF).
Address: Städtisches Kaufhaus, Universitätsstr. 16, 04109 Leipzig, Germany.
Directions: The workshop is located in a building called "Städtisches Kaufhaus". One possibility to reach the venue is as follows: To enter the building from "Universitätsstraße 16" you walk through a passage into the courtyard. Then turn left and look for "Treppenhaus B". Go up to the second floor (meaning two floors above ground floor). Turn left and reach the venue behind a glass door.
There are many hotels around:
- Recommended:
- Motel One Augustusplatz, Motel One Nikolaikirche, Book Hotel
- Not Recommended:
- Motel One Post (traffic noise)
More recommendations are provided on the website of the Campus Leipzig.
Tentative Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
9:00 - 12:30 | group work & coffee |
group work & coffee |
group work & coffee |
progress reports |
12:30 - 14:00 | lunch | lunch | lunch | lunch | |
13:30: problem session |
14:00 - 15:30 | group work | group work | group work | ||
15:30 - 16:15 | coffee | coffee | coffee | coffee | |
16:15 - 18:00 | group work | progress reports |
social event | group work |
For Tuesday evening we made a reservation at Barthels Hof for a joint dinner.
Organizers & Contact
André Schulz, Jonathan Rollin (Hagen) and Lena Schlipf (Tübingen)
Previous GG Weeks
- 1st European Pseudo Triangulation Week, Graz (Austria), 10/2004
- 2nd European Pseudo Triangulation Week, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), 05/2005
- 3rd European Pseudo Triangulation Week, Berlin (Germany), 05/2006
- 4th European Pseudo Triangulation Week, Eindhoven (The Netherlands), 05/2007
- 5th European Pseudo Triangulation Week, Ratsch (Austria), 10/2008
- 6th European Pseudo Triangulation Week, Ratsch (Austria), 09/2009
- 7th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs and Pseudo-Triangulations, Castelldefels (Spain), 07/2010
- 8th European Pseudo Triangulation Week, Ratsch (Austria), 11/2011
- 9th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Alcalá de Henares (Spain), 05/2012
- 10th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Illgau (Switzerland), 09/2013
- 11th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Münster (Germany), 10/2014
- 12th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Berlin (Germany), 09/2015
- 13th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Barcelona (Spain), 05/2016
- 14th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Vierhouten (Netherlands), 08/2017
- 15th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Haus Tornow am See (near Berlin (50km), Germany), 09/2018
- 16th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Strobl (Austria), 11/2019
- 17th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, Leipzig (Germany), 08/2022
- 18th European Research Week on Geometric Graphs, ???? 2023